Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Real beauty is good...but why is Edward there?
First things first: Robert Pattison is not good looking. If anything, put Taylor Lautner there. At least he looks moderately good looking. Team Edward fans may throw tomatoes now.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog.
Photoshop is like a superpower. So, in the great words of Uncle Ben Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility." And that's exactly how we should treat Photoshop, or any other image editing software in general. We can use it to help others, or for our own personal gain. But something like Photoshop takes time to fully master, and even the professionals have their moments. Take these two, for example:
You look me in the eye and tell me that doesn't creep you out.

Hooray for anatomically incorrect women!

When people see these ads, what would they think? Would they be creeped out, or would they wonder how they could also get long and perfect legs like the second woman? Are these the messages we really want to give to the society and the younger generation?

I'm not saying that using programs like Photoshop are bad, it's just that programs that lets people manipulate and change things could be used for wrong reasons. They could be used to promote the wrong things and make people self-conscious instead of helping the society. But creepy and anatomicall disproportionate ads aside, Photoshop can be used to accomplish many things, and a lot of them are beautiful. They almost make you wonder if it's real, or a digitally manipulated image. One such example is the image below:

Picture courtesy of http://www.worth1000.com/

The moral of this story, or blog for that matter, is that we should think about what we see in the media. Are they real, or were they digitally manipulated. We know how to use programs like these to benefit others, not the other way around.

Finally, we need to understand that although you can use Photoshop to make you look thinner, nothing beats good ol' fashioned excercise.

posted by p.relatado at 7:45 AM -

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