So, let's get started.
Ad No.1. The 'Blow It in Her Face' Ad. According to Tipalet, the company behind this ad, if a man blows
cancer smoke into a woman's face, they will follow him anywhere like a lost puppy. I actually find this particular ad very sexist. Why on earth would a woman follow a man around just because he blew smoke in her face. Firstly, the smell of smoke is disgusting. And it's dangerous to a person's health as well (Second-Hand Smoking, anyone?) If anyone blew smoke in my face, I'd probably slap them. In fact, why would a woman follow a man around in the first place? I'm pretty sure, as a member of the female species myself, women have brains too, adn can think for themselves. So why on earth would a woman follow others, especially a man
who blows second-hand smoke into their face?
Ad No.2. The More Doctors Smoke Camels Ad. I actually find this ad hilarious, and very ironic. The irony in this ad is the fact that it's usually doctors who tell patients to quite smoking for the sake of their health. So...what happened with these doctors? Aren't they the patrons of healthy living? What happened to cancer? Are doctors immune to it, and that's why they can smoke without consequence? Seriously, if more doctors smoke Camels, then more doctors die from it too.
Ad No. 3. The Tapeworm Ad. I don't understand this ad. Aren't tapeworms parasites that invade a human's intestines? Why on earth would someone advertise that?
*an explanation is given*
Oh! ...EW! What on earth? Why would anyone purposely ingest tapeworms? I find that disgusting. Tapeworms are parasites that invade a host's digestive tract and can cause diarrhea, anemia, and in some cases, headaches and seizures. It doesn't matter if you stay young forever by eating worms. You're still eating worms. There are side effects to eating not just worms, but live ones that can obstruct your intestines and cause major health risks. Is doing daily excercise too much of a hassle? This ad is wrong on so many levels, especially with the message they're sending to people: "Hey kids! Eat worms! It doesn't matter that it can cause'll stay skinny forever!"
Ad No.4. The Happy Lard Family. This is my favourite ad out of all of the four. Why? Everyone looks so happy. Why? Because they're eating the most dangerous fat in the world, that's why? Now, I understand that lard is used to make all sorts of foods, and is an ingredient in making shortening and other such things, but lard is extremely fatty and unhealthy. The child in the ad looks to be about 3-4 years old. No child that age should be consuming lard. One thing about this ad, though, is that a lot of people think that it's promoting the consumption of pure, untouched lard. I say otherwise. I think that this ad is promoting the use of lard in everyday cooking. It has a low smoke point, and a distinct taste. A lot of chefs and bakers use lard because it works so well with other foods. I'm not saying that lard is good, but maybe...the ad isn't focusing on the actual lard itself, but the application of lard in cooking.
But that's just me.
I completely agree with you, especially for the first ad. Didn't people (mostly women) be offended by this? Womens' rights wasn't probably a big issue back then and obviously I would assume that a man had designed this ad. Of course its really an offensive ad and good thing that cigarette ads are not allowed in Canada anymore. Why would someone want smoke in their face? Smoking was most likely seen as something people would do to calm their nerves and socialize with, but I'm pretty sure no one was aware of the toxic effects of tobacco.
-Caitlin Cosgrove
-Section 3
Ms. Arturi