Wednesday, January 13, 2010
What is lard, anyway?
The 50's and the 60's were very...'unique' when it comes to media (Think of...Yellow Submarine. You couldn't POSSIBLY get any crazier than that.)
Back then, not a lot of people had access to television, so advertising usually came in the form of posters, or magazine inserts. Some of them are actually quite funny, while some are...really, really creepy, it's almost funny.
(Seriously, who came up with this?)
But some ads, however, falls right between Wrongville and "WHUUUUT?" I mean, some of these ads project such a wrong message and image to the people, I wonder why those ads were released in the first place. For example,
Yes. Because we all know Domestic Abuse is a good thing.
What kind of advertising company makes an advertisement about Domestic Abuse? Granted, it's not meant to be serious, but, still! It's not a laughing matter.
And the ads for smoking aren't any better.
This ad doesn't make sense to me! Why a baby? Why a happy baby? Was this ad created before people realized that a cigarette was an honset-to-goodness cancer-stick? If you GoogleImage the phrase 'smoking ads', chances are you'll probably get an assortment of anti-smoking ads, like:

This ad is pretty cool. If you can't read the words, it says 'Non-smoking area'. Get it?

I think the reason that what we call 'vintage' ads were allowed to run back then because no one knew any better. Sure, people have been smoking tobacco for a long time, but cigarette companies like Marlboro and Camel had just came out, and wanted the public to think that smoking was a-okay!, even though it wasn't. The society was different back then, and people didn't have the technology and knowledge we do know. Besides, it's not like ads of today are any better. Just open up a magazine, and subliminal messages will pop out at you.

Except instead of 'smoking is awesome!', you'll get 'make yourself throw up so you can look like this!'

posted by p.relatado at 6:59 AM -
  • At January 27, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Blogger Par: Shelby et Kristianne said…

    Hee hee, now i'm commenting on yours X). Anyway ads then and now are really weird. The one about the wife and the husband is weird. So... if he finds you cheating on him... buy coffee? I don't get it. And yes i have been wondering, what is lard? But yeah I agree with you that, the reason they're called vintage is because no one knew better. But then again, people know better now and still do harmful things to their body.


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